Hunter on rock reading ebook.  Text reads Creators & Publishers of Digital Goods.  Any time, any place.
Audiobooks text with ear buds coming out of text.

What is an audiobook?


An audiobook is simply a recording of text being read.  Audiobooks have been around for more than 80 years.  Audiobooks have become more popular over the last ten years because of digital format (mp3), and accessibility.  Also audiobooks can be easily downloaded to personal players from the Internet, or listened to on the Internet.  This allows people to listen to an audiobook in the car, gym, public transportation, or any location.  Audio books allow people to become more productive with their time.


You might be asking, if I can put my training material on a video, why would I want to put it on an audio file?  First a lot of training material does not need to be seen, in order to be consumed.  For example motivational topics are very popular in audio format.


Most audio books are heard through headphones, so audio quality is of the utmost importance.  In audio, content is #1, sound quality is #2.  In our production process, we try to capture the highest quality audio during video production.  By capturing good quality audio, we can turn the same audio from your video session into an audiobook thereby saving time and money.  If your video product has good sales volume, why not leverage your program and produce an audiobook to get additional sales?


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